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Our People


Founder & Chair

Tamsin aims to honour her family history, alongside her own deeply felt personal values, shaped by her raw experience of life in the UK working in the public sector. This has given her a frontline insight into many hugely complex social issues, which she is now passionate about trying to help solve. Through KMSF she strives to find solutions for the issues, individuals and communities she cares about.



As a founding Trustee, Susan has a deep understanding of KMSF’s history and evolution, which informs her governance. Her insight into the family, alongside her background in business – she serves currently as a CEO – enables her to support the Board in finding solutions for a wide range of issues. She regards her position on the KMSF Trustee Board as a privilege and an honour.



Artist, educator and enthusiastic volunteer for a number of charities (including Hospice in the Weald, Tonbridge and Papyrus: preventing youth suicide), Emma is devoted to building supportive relationships, working on collaborations and building positive connections. She was delighted to join the Foundation as a new Trustee in 2023, embracing the opportunity to work alongside ambitious individuals at KMSF, who are passionate about making positive change a reality.



With a background in education journalism, long experience of governance and a deep commitment to KMSF’s work, Helen provides management and external affairs consultancy services, including conducting research around potential funding relationships, and supporting existing partners with communications.